Sunday 31 January 2016

Before Meets After - Silk Press On Natural Hair.

One of the beauties of natural hair lies in the fact that you are able to switch up styles and the look of your texture depending on your mood.

 I've had a couple of requests in the last month for silk presses and I happily obliged each one especially because they typically don't last too long in the high humidity and heat of Lagos; however, during the Harmattan season, there was less moisture in the air and so the probability of the hair staying straighter longer was higher.

When you want to straighten your hair, it is imperative you get some sort of protein condition prior to the use of heat appliances. This is because using direct heat (especially the flat iron) will compromise the integrity of the hair structure and since we know that hair is made up of Keratin (protein), fortifying it first before applying heat will lower the risks of attendant heat damage.

Monday 25 January 2016

Discovering More Fabulous Made In Nigeria Products!! Focus: The Henna Place Protein Conditioner.

A few months ago, I was at the Naturals In The City event and one of the vendors there was The Henna Place - they were doing some lovely henna designs and I got their flyer with a promise to visit as soon as I could especially as they're located in the area I live.

I've been a couple of times to get some Henna Art on my hands and even around my ankle - I particularly loved the bow I got recently. Very simple and nice.

I started following them on Instagram and one day scrolling through their pictures, I came upon 2 different conditioners they sell - one 'Protein' and the other 'Sugar'. I found out that the latter was made for relaxed hair and the former for natural hair.

I couldn't resist trying it out!!! I mean right now my deep conditioner of choice is the Mielle Organics Mint oil and Babbasu Conditioner ( I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove this stuff!!!!!) I've been using it since April last year when I bought a couple at the Taliah Waajid World Natural Hair Show and believe me when I say I'm hooked.

Saturday 23 January 2016

First Protective Style of The Year - Crochet With Havana Mambo Twist.

In light of the fact that I'm continuing with my protective styling this year, I decided that after about 2 weeks of deep conditioning and moisturizing my hair while it was out; it was time for it to go back into hiding.

It took me a while to decide what exactly I wanted to do - which is quite strange for me. I'm usually decisive about what I want to do and will plan like 3 - 4 styles ahead of time. For the last couple of days, I lined up Finger comber Hair, Afri Naptural Reggae braid and marley bulk hair on my bed and kept contemplating on what look I was going for.

At the last minute I decided I was going to get Havana Twists by crocheting the Havana Mambo Twist hair ( which wasn't one my initial choices by the way lol) Once that was decided, I chose the shade I wanted (sort of an Ombre Burgundy) and was good to go.

Thursday 21 January 2016

Shampoo Never Felt This Good!!

Oh my Oh my Oh my!!! So! A few weeks ago I was trawling Instagram (which has become such a baaaaad addiction by the way) and came upon an invitation to watch a webinar by Tamika Bell on healthy hair growth. I watched it, and it was definitely good and useful information - she went on to give a++ recommended product selection and one of such products was the Elucence Moisture Benefits Shampoo.

Now I've heard about this shampoo and it's conditioner and actually use it in the salon sometimes; I'd just never used it on myself. I decided to try it on my first wash day of the year and mmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm!!!!!! My hair was singing the national Anthem in Falsetto!! I've never experienced such softness AND definition of my curls after using just shampoo.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Bridal Styling With A Wig!!

Photo: @waniolatundephotog on Instagram

So my last bride in December - Sola; made a suggestion for styling her hair on her big day - why not use a wig? I'd definitely never done it before and I thought - why not? So she got herself a HeatFreeHair 'For Koils' U - Part wig and left the rest to me.

I'm sure you must have 'heard' me talk about Heat Free Hair a number of times - I really love the quality of their hair! This texture in it's natural state is has really cute tiny curls that are oh so soft!!

Blow Dried Straight

The 'U' Part

In order to get it to the look I'd planned for her, I washed it, blow dried it straight and then using my curl wand, gave it these deliciously bouncy curls.
Curl wanded

Sunday 10 January 2016

New Year, New Opportunities, New Thinking!

Some happy moments from 2015 - Looking forward to happier and more fulfilling ones in 2016!

Happy New Year!!!!!!  Oh my, I've missed missed blogging but I needed to rest so badly as I had fallen ill during and after the festivities. Hope everyone had an amazing holiday and is pumped for the new year. I'd said in my New Year post on FB that I am deeply excited about this year.

Even with all the predictions of gloom and doom I firmly believe that this can work in our favour - we really really need to begin to look inward and think outside the box.

Just yesterday I came across this video and it made me even more hopeful about the positive changes that could come.