Monday 22 August 2016

Strengthening And Conditioning The Ayurvedic Way.

When I first began my hair journey, I was faithful with my Ayurvedic treatments - Henna fortnightly or monthly and Ayurvedic conditioning at least once a week. My hair had little to zero breakage, was thriving and had amazing thickness and sheen. You see, my 4b strands are fragile and quite prone to breakage so anything that strengthens them without causing dryness is perfect for me.

 Then the desire to try other stuff out (as Yorubas would say, 'ojukokoro' lol)  plus lack of time saw me doing less and less of it till I practically abandoned it altogether. Lately I haven't been feeling my hair because I wasn't getting the best of it and therefore needed to tweak my regimen or completely overhaul it.

I was reading NappilyNigerianGirl's blog one day and realized two things:

- We have somewhat similar textures and fragile strands

- She doesn't joke with her Ayurvedic treatments (including oiling) and has been able to strengthen her strands to the point where her breakage is almost minimal - meaning better length retention of course (she's currently at waist length) Now while that's not really a goal for me, better length retention and healthier, stronger strands definitely is!


Monday 15 August 2016

My Warri, Delta State Trip, Courtesy Pam Hairitage!!

Ah! So I have this customer Pamela, who lives in Warri, Delta State and anytime she's in Lagos, she always makes it a point to come down to the salon to have her hair pampered. She called me a few months ago saying she really wanted to start bringing the naturalistas in Warri together and was thinking of hosting a Natural Hair Themed event and asked if I'd be willing to come down to support. Of course I said I would love to!

So, July 16th was set as the D Day and everything was planned and organized. My flight was due to leave at 7.40am on Friday the 15th so I got up bright and early, had a cab drop me off at the airport and joined the long Arik queue for check in. 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10.00 - No boarding call!!! All I could think of was those extra hours I could have been sleeping in my bed! Finally at about 10.30 we started boarding amid the usual 'we're sorry for the delay blah blah'.

Landed safely in Warri and I had a driver waiting for me to take me to my hotel. Got in the hotel, threw off my clothes, ordered some food and then slept!! I mean this was Friday, one of my busiest days of the week and I get to be in a hotel room with no heads of hair to wash or customers to attend to! Instead it was Room service and T.V? And a big, soft bed?? Aaah! It was heaven! loll As much as I love what I do, it was a good feeling to just lounge and sleep in the middle of the day.

Anyway, the following day dawned bright and early, and my assigned driver came to get me and dropped me off at the venue. I have to give it to Warri Naturalistas - they were on time!! Event was due to hold at 12 noon and we already had people seated by past 11.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Happy Anniversary to Us!! We're 3!!!

Honestly I can't believe how much time just flies!!! I remember just like it was yesterday - the mix of excitement, fear, panic and sheer joy. God has truly been faithful - in the past 3 years we've expanded our range of products and services, grown from 3 staff to 10, grown our client base and there are so many more things that God has in store for us!!
August 9th 2013 - My friends supporting me on the opening day even though they weren't (and still aren't lol) natural.
In the beginning - we had a small generator and couldn't put up a sign yet. Spot the small airer for our towels?
We started with whipped shea butter in 2 scents - Lavender and Jasmine

2 styling stations was what we first started with

Monday 1 August 2016

'Dream, Hustle, Achieve' - My Diamond TV feature!!!!

I was so stoked yesterday when a friend tagged me on Diamond TV App's post  yesterday showing that I'd been featured on their Dream Hustle Achieve Series which showcases female entrepreneurs. (To go to their site, click here )

They had actually approached me in June or July last year and shot this then; so I had practically forgotten about this until I saw it on their instagram page and went and watched the video. Another amazing thing is that the friend who tagged me on instagram is the same friend I speak about in the video who helped me create KL's Naturals!!