Tuesday 28 February 2017

Social Media Week 2017 - I'll Be On a Panel Discussing Technology And The Natural Hair Movement!!

Social Media Week is Upon us!!!!

Yup, so it started yesterday February 27th and shall run till Friday March 3rd. As we all know, we live in a digitalized age and things keep moving pretty fast - so it's a great way to find out how you can utilize technology in the different areas of your life, new opportunities you could explore and new ways of doing business.

The line up of for this week include interesting topics such as 'Become a Kick Ass Tech Mum' 'Gender Equality In The Digital Age' 'Building the Next Billion Naira Business: 4 Things You Should Know' etc.

I have the honor of speaking this year and I will be on a panel discussing 'Technology and The Natural Hair Movement' Click here for more details

Thursday 23 February 2017

My Weird Online Bullying Experience.

It's funny how some things happen and you literally laugh it off but later you realise that it actually was not cool in anyway and even though you let it slide, how about people who are more vulnerable to such negative behaviour?

Such was my experience over a 3 week period last month - I had posted a video on Instagram showing me with Henna in my hair and initially the comments were questions about henna and its benefits etc. The video then got featured on the Naturalista Channel and thus got more views from men and women alike the world over and that's when the nastiness started.

I had people saying I looked 'nasty' or 'ewwwww' 'yuck' or  I should go take a bath; or I had poop in my hair, or my favourite 'wash your nappy hair, thanks' lolllllll Like seriously!!!

It now got to the point where I had other people championing my cause so for instance in response to
the 'wash your nappy hair thanks' message, someone said 'kill yourself. thanks. To which he replied 'at least my hair will be clean when I die'

Thursday 16 February 2017

Our Beautiful Brides (and bridesmaids) Slaying Their Natural Tresses!

It's been too long since I did a bridal post so I have decided to do a long overdue one - bringing us up to speed on all our gorgeous brides (and bridesmaids in some instances)

Meet Jennifer - gorgeous bride with simple tastes. She had a train of 5 and we helped style them all!

Sunday 12 February 2017

Pictures From Our Lekki Launch!

With Design Essentials Representatives

I can't believe it's been 2 weeks already! As always, the year is racing by like no man's business! Anyway, thank God for a successful opening and Beard Line Launch! We are so grateful to all those who took time out to honour our invitation and came to spend some time with us as we formally opened our Lekki branch and launched our Beard Line.

With my Mama :)

Love this couple! Pastor Yemi and Sister Amanda Amusan

Beard Oil

Beard Batter

Beard and Face Wash