Sunday 21 January 2018

New Year, New Goals, New Me, New Everything!!!

Happy New Year Everyone!! I CANNOT believe it has been 8 MONTHS since I last blogged!!! Oh my my my! 2017 was truly interesting, eventful, amazing, intense and challenging; but through the tears, struggle, triumphs, learning curves, hair pulling and trials, I got stretched so much and I am truly thankful for where KL's as a business is and also where I am as a woman and a Beauty - Preneur!



So! At the time I posted last in May, I was in the middle of a 6 month hair stylist course run by the L'Oreal Hair Institute. That in and of itself was a huge sacrifice and struggle! It was 8.30 am - 1pm  every Monday to Wednesday  - Combine that with trying to oversee 2 salons (one of which was just 3 months when I started the course) and you can imagine how many panic attacks I got in that period loll!