Monday 23 June 2014

Design Essentials Strengthening Therapy System (STS) Results.

Hair Before

We've had quite a few customers come in requesting for the strengthening system which involves straightening the hair and in some cases, just loosening the curl pattern.

The Design Essentials STS which we use, comes in 2 forms:
Transitioning Mousse and Cleansing Shampoo

The Transitioning Mousse - which is for those transitioning/natural who want to achieve a uniform, straight look; and

The Elongation Mousse - which is for naturals who just want to loosen/elongate their curl pattern, tame frizz and increase manageability.

Now I'd mentioned before in a previous post that unlike the Brazilian blow out system, the Design Essentials STS is an amino acid based thermal reconditioning system, using the active cysteine amino acid which is one of the main proteins found in the hair shaft. 

So essentially what the system does is strengthen and tame the hair while filling in missing protein gaps along each hair shaft. Unlike relaxers, keratin or brazilian blow outs it does not break or re arrange the disulfide bonds in hair but the action of filling the strands with micro fine amino acids, results in the stretching of the strand, resulting in elongated curls that are frizz free and smoother.

The results last up to 12 weeks and you don't need to wear your hair straight in all that time - because it is not permanent, it can still be styled in any curly styles that you choose. Your curls will just 'hang' more as they have been stretched. It is important to note that using a sulfate based/ clarifying shampoo within these 12 weeks will strip the treatment off the hair.
Treatment applied and hair being blow dried

This customer wanted a straight look so using the transitioning mousse, the hair was first washed with the sulfate free cleansing shampoo, then mousse was applied all through her hair, then blow dried after 20 minutes.
Treatment being sealed in with a flat iron

Final flat iron process - look at that shine!

A flat iron was then used to seal the treatment in the cuticle after which the hair was then washed again with the sulfate free cleansing shampoo, conditioned, blow dried and flat ironed for the final look.

I know there are a lot of naturals who do not want anything coming near their curls - temporary or not but, for those who prefer to wear a straight look once in a while - this is a safe way as it not just straightens but strengthens and builds up the hair shaft too!


  1. Her hair looks so straight!!

  2. Can we see the reversion pictures when she goes back?

  3. What happens to your hair if its washed?

  4. Where can I purchase this ? I had it done 2 weeks ago and want the strengthening not straightening system. My hairdresser only has the strengthening system

  5. Where can I purchase this ? I had it done 2 weeks ago and want the strengthening not straightening system. My hairdresser only has the strengthening system

  6. My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease his symptoms were shuffling of feet,slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 45 degree angle, but now he finally free from the disease with the help of total cure from ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC, he now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed, he had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult,getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible.we had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,the biggest helped we had was ultimate life clinic they walked us through the proper steps,am highly recommended this to anyone who needs help.

    1. what does this have to do with getting your hair done? this is not the place to come for this type of post
