Rocking My Afro Wig.

I told you guys I'd bought a couple of wigs right? Wellllll I did but I've been favouring this absolutely light, soft and delicious looking Afro wig for almost 2 weeks now! It was very very big when it first came and I looked like a poodle with it on! loll. So I got to snipping and trimmed it to suit my face and I think I'm in love!!!!

I'd stumbled upon the handle @toniesmane on Instagram - and I really loved her selection of wigs. I decided to try 2 to begin with, and this Afro wig has not left my head since lol.

In this picture on Tonie's page,  you can see how massive the original size is -  when I wore it, it nearly dwarfed my face; so I got my trusted scissors and snipped,snipped away! I get a lot of double takes and incredulous ' Is at all your hair??' which is a testament to how natural looking it is. Best of all? It's so incredibly light and soft!!

My hair is in single plaits underneath and all I do is spritz daily with my water oil and conditioner mix, oil my scalp every other day and then wash weekly.

Hopefully I'll get round to wearing the other one at some point, but for now, this wig is IT!

Till my next post


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